Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 24 thru 25, 1894

I will not be transcribing each entry since most of Bert's diary is pretty clear. You can read the original more easily by clicking on the image above to view a larger version. I will be including this paragraph, or something similar in each entry so that new readers will know they can click the image to enlarge it for easier reading. Also, there will be some links to the right of the page with relevant information that may be of interest.  If you follow Bert's diary regularly, you can skip this paragraph. My notes will include the basics of what Bert talks about each day, along with my own personal thoughts, research, information gleaned from past or future entries, etc. If you have information or suggestions that may help my research, please e-mail me.
Wednesday, January 24, 1894 --- The wind blew strong from the south.  Leman and Bert each took another load of hay to Prattsburgh in the forenoon, but it rained in the afternoon, till about 5PM, when it turned to snow.  

Thursday, January 25, 1894 ---  "The wind blew and the snow flew" and Bert and Leman did the morning chores.  They then each took another load of hay to Prattsburgh.  In the afternoon, John Babcock took the last load of hay.  Leman and Bert spent the afternoon in the woods to find and cut a pole to make a wagon "tung" (sic).  It looks like they plan to train the colts to pull a wagon?  They then did the evening chores.  It was 8 above zero tonight.

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